Mr. Paul Avrameas has been a pioneer of the shipping activity in the port of Piraeus and he is a leading figure between professionals with high specialization in shipping. A graduate of the Law Faculty of the University of Athens with post graduate studies in the Paris University of Sorbonne in Maritime Law, he founded the office in its initial form, back in 1965.
He has been a member of the Greek representation at the UN Conference in Hamburg 1968 (Hamburg Rules), a former Vice-President of the Greek Maritime Law Association and a Titulary Member of the Comite Maritime International. He is a member of the Panel of Maritime Arbitrators of the Piraeus Chamber of Shipping since 1966 and former President of the Hellenic Society of Maritime Lawyers. Paul Avrameas is a founding member and former Secretary of the “Piraeus Association for Maritime Arbitration” (PAMA) and a founding member of the International Maritime Conciliation and Mediation Panel (IMCAM Panel). He is a lecturer and speaker on shipping issues at international conferences and the author of various works and publications on shipping, such as:
· Le Transport sous Connaissement en Droit Grec (Sea Carriage under B/L in Greek Law) Paris 1966 (in the collective work: Le Transport Maritime sous Connaissement a l’ heure du Marche Commun) p.p. 240-340. · Le Lettre de Garantie, in Droit Maritime Français, July 1962 p.p. 437-500. · Contribution to W. Tetley’s: International Conflict of Laws - Common, Civil and Maritime, Montreal 1994,: “Greece-Conflict of Maritime Laws” p.p. 918-920. · Memorandum of Agreement NSF 1993 (in Greek), in Revue of Maritime Law, 1994, p.p. 1-16. · The prohibition of sailing under the Arrest Convention in Greece (in Greek), in Commercial Law Review, 1999, p.p. 17-28. · Incorporation of Charter Party terms in Bills of Lading (in Greek), in Maritime Justice, 2003, p.p. 363-385. · “The scope of carrier’s liability in respect of cargo”, Lecture in the International Seminar on “Carriage of goods by sea”, Las Palmas, 1979. · “Limitation of Freedom of the Parties in Ship Management Agreements”, Lecture in the 2nd International Conference of Maritime Law, Piraeus, May 1995 (in Greek with printed English version). · “The Greek Perspective”, Lecture in the International Forum on Arresting Ships, London, November 1995, (in English). · “Resolving of Maritime Disputes in Piraeus by Arbitration”, Lecture (in Greek) at the Piraeus Marine Club Seminar September 1996. · Chairman’s opening address in the Seminar of Piraeus Marine Club on “Ship Arrest including Associated Ship Arrest – Contemporary Issues”, October 2002. · “Arrest of Ships”, Lecture (in Greek) in the Seminar of the Dpt of International Relations of the University of Salonica on the 20 April 2002. · “The role of off-shore companies in the development of Greek shipping”, Lecture (in Greek) in the Seminar organized on 30th June 2005 by the Piraeus Bar Association, in cooperation with ALBA and LAWNET S.A. · “On Arbitration”, Lecture (in Greek) to the Seminar of the Piraeus Bar Association for Articled clerks on 4th May 2006. · “Maritime Arbitration in Piraeus”, President’s opening speech (in Greek) to the conference of the Hellenic Society of Maritime Lawyers, in the Piraeus Marine Club on 12 May 2006. · “Maritime Arbitration in Greece; New Perspectives” Lecture (in Greek) to the Annual Meeting of WISTA Hellas, on the 29th November 2006. · Address (in English) to “The Bunker Summit – Greece 2007, Athens 8-11 May 2007” – on the 9th May: “The Bunker Arbitration Experience”. · Participation to the “round table” on “Greek Maritime Cluster” organized by the Greek Institute for Marine Technology (E.L.I.N.T.) on the 28th November 2008 |